Attending SHARCNET Webinars

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SHARCNET makes a number of seminar events available online using Zoom. Zoom can be used by either installing an app (available for Windows, Mac, Linux etc), or running it in a browser (no installation required). A (free) Zoom account is required for attending our webinars. The Zoom registration link is provided on the event page in our Events calendar, .

VERY IMPORTANT: During registration, you have to provide the email address which is associated with your Zoom account, otherwise you won't be able to register and/or attend the webinar!

Please note that if your device has a microphone (highly recommended) and/or webcam, they will be used by Zoom to transmit your audio and video to all seminar participants. They are normally off by default, but you can enable them by clicking on a corresponding button at the bottom of your Zoom window - but only when allowed by the host. Normally we do not allow attendees to use their mikes during the webinar, but we have special time for questions and answers at the end of each webinar when the mikes can be enabled. Generally, please keep your mike muted (and webcam disabled) unless you want to ask a question.

We normally record our seminars, and make them available to all SHARCNET users. The recordings are posted on our youtube channel: 

The links to the video recordings, slides and abstracts can be found on our online seminars page.

To subscribe to our events mailing list (which advertises upcoming webinars, summer schools and such), send an email to

To unsubscribe, send an email to