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In this webinar we will describe properties of the SHARCNet file systems in more detail than what is covered in the new user seminar (including quotas, access, intended use, etc.) and demonstrate tools for managing data files. Some of the file management topics covered will include; (1) a brief demonstration of basic Linux file management/transfer/access programs like rsync, scp and setfacl, (2) folder mounting software sshfs together with Meld for interactive comparisons of files and folders in different locations, and (3) properties of the Data Transfer Node (DTN) and its access through the Compute Canada Globus interface. The visualization capacity on a cluster can play an important role in file management by minimizing the need for transferring files to a local machine for viewing/editing. Some visualization topics will include; (1) using software on the clusters (e.g. Octave, Gnuplot, etc.) to plot/edit temporary files from development nodes or visualization systems, (2) using software on a local computer (Matlab, Meld, etc.) to explore files on the cluster.

Audience: This webinar is for new users to SHARCNet who are interested in getting a better understanding of the file systems, as well as experienced users who are interested in exploring file management and visualization tools.