Colloquium 2023 Parallel computing: start from your own computer
This is a follow-up talk, after the "Leveraging the power of Linux on Windows with WSL". The statistics of the online training events we organized has revealed that over two thirds of the graduate students and other researchers are using Windows, seconded by Mac and then a small percentage of Linux computers on a daily basis. The fact that all the supercomputers at the national HPC centres across Canada are all running Linux makes using Linux proficiently an essential skill of researchers for the success of their computational work using the national resources. In this talk we will demonstrate how one may develop and prepare parallel code on their own computer before moving to national clusters. We will showcase developing and running shared and distributed memory code in C/C++, Fortran and Julia etc on Windows via WSL. We wish to convince the audience how convenient it would be if one can develop, prepare and test their scientific applications on their own computer before production runs on supercomputers.