Jump to navigationJump to searchSHARCNET staff is involved in numerous training activities. You can find more details by following one of the links below.
- SHARCNET calendar: contains past and upcoming training events.
- New user seminars: 1-hour live webinar for new SHARCNET users given over Zoom every Tuesday from 2:00pm till 3:00pm. Check the calendar for the upcoming webinars.
- Introduction to ARC: In Fall 2022 / Winter 2023 semesters, the bulk of training provided by SHARCNET to our users is comprised of a series of independent, self-contained workshops on a wide range of topics pertaining to Advanced Research Computing. The workshops include live lectures, hands on labs (both delivered via Zoom), and self-paced learning content. The live classes are scheduled on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4pm - 5pm Eastern Time.
- Summer Schools: every summer (in early June) SHARCNET runs a full week multi-stream training event for our users at one of our major sites, covering HPC and advanced research computing (ARC) topics.
- General Interest webinars: every second Wednesday we give a lunch time one hour long webinar on topics relevant to SHARCNET, Compute Canada, HPC and ARC.
- : our youtube channel, where we post the recordings of our tutorials and webinars we produce. (Use this direct link if the previous one doesn't work.)
- Online Courses: Moodle (our Learning Management System) portal for our online courses (online Summer Schools etc.)